Hafjell mountains, outdoor tips, kemping, biwakPatrycja PutkoSeptember 28, 2020biwak, wild camping, hafjell, norway, hiking norwayComment
Czym jest ¨Allemansretten¨ ? biwak, kemping, mountains, outdoor tipsPatrycja PutkoSeptember 28, 2020allemansretten, camping, wild campingComment
Tips & tricks: solo camping! wild camping, outdoor tips, kemping, biwakPatrycja PutkoSeptember 28, 2020outdoor tips, biwak, wild camping
Camping spots around Oslo wild campingPatrycja PutkoAugust 25, 2020wild camping, Norwegia, mørkgonga, gygrestolen, verdens ende, hvaler, styggemann, styggemannshytta
Rondane National Park mountains, skiing, travels, wild campingPatrycja PutkoApril 27, 2020Rondane, wild camping, norway, norwegia, skitour, norgeComment
All what you need to know about winter camping // tips and tricks! mountains, travelsPatrycja PutkoMarch 18, 2020winter camping, wild campingComment
Outdoor gear: clothes and equipment for winter camping Patrycja PutkoMarch 10, 2020outdoor, winter camping, norway, norwegia, wild camping, skitourComment